100% Halal Tourism
As Adin Beach Hotel, we have certified that we perform halal tourism with our 100% halal certificate.
Helal Turizm Sertifikası
Enjoy the sea freely and safely!
You enjoy the sea with confidence! As Adin Beach Hotel, our reliable beaches are certified a blue flag with international validity so that you can swim freely.
Sustainability for Our Future
We care about our nature and try to protect our future with our sustainability policy in order to reduce our carbon footprint.
Sürdürülebilir Turizm Sertifikamız
ISO 22000 - 2018 Certificate
Our Food Safety Management System has been created, documented, implemented and improved by ensuring its continuity in accordance with food safety standard conditions.
ISO 14001 : 2015 Certificate
At Adin Beach Hotel, we attach importance to the principles of Environment and Zero Waste principles in order to control our wastes within the framework of sustainable development principles and to leave a clean, liveable environment and a world to the future generations.
ADIN 14001 TR
ISO 9001 :2015 Certificate
All internal and external stakeholders that may affect our company, including the activities of our organization and our Integrated Management System, have been evaluated by brainstorming technique, their importance level has been determined and recorded with the Identification and Monitoring of Parties Form. In case of a change in needs and expectations, this can be reviewed as a result of YGG meetings and revised if necessary.
ADIN 9001 TR
ISO 10002 - 2018 Certificate
Communication with Guests:
At Adin Beach Hotel, the places where guests may report their complaints and suggestions to the senior management and where they may write them are as follows:
· "Survey Forms" given to our guests In their rooms, at the reception and at the guest relation desk; and in addition, before the check/out day
The communication box, which is set up on our website for our guests to submit their complaints and allows the direct complaints to reach our management directly via info@adinhotel.com e-mail
As seen in the above-mentioned articles, the points where the guests can present their complaints and suggestions both during and after the stay have been identified.
ISO 10002 - 2018
At Adin Beach Hotel, the places where guests may report their complaints and suggestions to the senior management and where they may write them are as follows:
· "Survey Forms" given to our guests In their rooms, at the reception and at the guest relation desk; and in addition, before the check/out day
The communication box, which is set up on our website for our guests to submit their complaints and allows the direct complaints to reach our management directly via info@adinhotel.com e-mail
As seen in the above-mentioned articles, the points where the guests can present their complaints and suggestions both during and after the stay have been identified.
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